Sunday, March 16, 2014

Another Week

It's St. Patrick's Day tomorrow, and you couldn't be more excited. Apparently the "Leprechauns" are going to be brining you Lucky Charms cereal. That's what they brought last year. I love how excited you get over the simplest things. You love life, and I hope you always have that same joy as you get older.
Today it was just you and me at church. Dad wasn't feeling well and stayed home with Ruby. It's fun to just have you and me time once in a while. You are my little buddy, and are always telling me you love me. You will come up to me randomly and just tell me you love me, and give me the biggest hugs. You are such a sweet, sweet boy.
This past week we went to the zoo one day. It was beautiful outside, and we spent the whole day there. We went with some friends. You love checking out the map and leading us to the next place. You love to see the "crazy monkey's" that jump and run around all over the ropes.
The next day it was back into the teens and freezing cold again. I can't wait for spring so we can get out and go on hikes, and play at the park and ride bikes. You finally got some interest in your bike with training wheels this year. We took you out a week or so ago, and you got it! Peddling all by yourself. You were so proud and excited. So was I...both you and Rubes can ride around all over the place now. It's going to be a fun spring and summer.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sunday Journaling

We had a usual week this week. You went to preschool, I worked on things at home, and we went to dinner Friday night with our friends the Goodwin's. Jack Goodwin is your friend from preschool, so you were so excited to go to pizza (at Kingy's...our new favorite place) with him. You have your half birthday at school this week which you have been asking me about pretty much every day if your half birthday is tomorrow. So... it is finally here. We are also heading to Pittsburgh on Wednesday to spend some time with Grandma and Grandpa Merrill. We are all so excited!
You are my sweet boy. You are getting so grown up all the time. You are usually really sweet with Ruby, and I know you will be such a sweet big brother to this new baby.
This was at Costco a few days ago. You guys could have sat there all day watching the big machines. And arms wrapped around each other the whole sweet.
 You were tucking Ruby in saying, "'s okay....Daddy's here." :)
 We had fun playing in all the snow last Saturday that is now all melted.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

A Little Update

I can't believe I haven't written in here since you started pre-school! My goal is to write in here once a  week.

You are growing up so fast...I can't believe it! You are loving pre-school Gav. You have made some good friends. One of your best friends in there is Jack Goodwin. You also are doing soccer with him once a week which you love. You are getting better at writing your name and letters even though you get frustrated sometimes. Last week you had pajama day at school and you guys made pancakes for your snack. You learned about estimation and you estimated you could eat 10 pancakes. You ate 3 and later told me that "the pre-school pancakes were yucky." Haha. Guess you like my home made ones better :).

Your favorite foods right now are pepperoni pizza and spaghetti and meatballs. You can take down two slices of pizza these days, and your dad and I are realizing that 1 large pizza might not cut it anymore for our growing family.

You are so excited about this little baby I am going to have in a few months. You want a brother and keep telling me his name will be Cameron (Just like your cousin ;) ). So cute, but hopefully you aren't disappointed if it's a girl! We find out in a week or so.

You are such a good brother to Ruby. You are always looking out for her. You love playing with her and are always getting her to do funny things with you. Although you bug her, and she screams and then it happens again, you do it out of love. And, Ruby can scream! ;)

You love snuggling me in the mornings. You come climb in my warm bed and snuggle up and close as you can get to me. It is my absolute favorite moment of the day. You have such a big heart and love for your family. I love watching you grow and learn. You are my sweet boy.

Monday, September 9, 2013


Last Wednesday you had your first day of preschool! You loved it! It is so fun to see you excited about going and although I miss you in the mornings a few days a week I know you are well taken care of. I can't believe how fast time has gone by. You are getting so big and are such a good big brother to Ruby. You love her and are always looking out for her. I am excited for the things you are going to learn this year and am so proud of the little boy you are. I love you.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Breakfast Conversation

Today while eating breakfast you randomly said, "Maybe we should cut Ruby's teeth out so she can't bite me anymore."  She has been known to do that a time or two. Not a bad idea, huh? I love the little thoughts that go on in your mind. They make me smile. You are growing up so fast! You head to preschool in a couple weeks. I am so excited for you, and feeling a little sad at the same time. I know you will love it, and it will be good for me too, but I am going to miss you. I hope kids are nice to you. I hope you are nice to everyone. I hope you feel safe. I hope you learn new things. You are my little buddy.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

Today being Mother's Day I have been thinking about how blessed I am to have you in my life Gavin. You are the sweetest little boy. You love to show affection, and are always giving me kisses, and wanting me to hold you and snuggle you. I love every moment of it. You have so much joy in your heart, and are so excited about life. I love how you love and take care of your little sister. I know you will always be there for her, and watch out for her. She loves you.

Today was your first time singing in sacrament meeting with the primary kids up on the podium. You were so excited to go up there. You stood in the very front, and were beaming the whole time. When you came and sat down you said, "I did it all by myself!!" You were so happy and excited to have been up there.

I was so happy today when during the opening prayer in sacrament meeting you folded your arms, bowed your head, and closed your eyes so reverently for the entire prayer. It bought tears to my eyes, and I could feel the spirit so strongly in that moment. You don't really like saying the prayer at home, and we have been struggling with you being reverent during prayers. So, it was such a neat experience for me to see you applying the principles that we are teaching you everyday in our home. You are so sweet, and you tell me sometimes when we talk about Jesus that you "feel him in your heart."

I wish I could capture every little thing you do. You are growing up so fast, and I always want to cherish the simple every day moments I share with you. I love being your mom more than anything in the world. I love being home with you each day. I love helping you grow and learn. It can be hard, and tiring and frustrating, but I am always learning how to be better, and how I can be the best mom for you. I love hearing your little stories you tell me, or hiding in the blankets from monsters. You are my world, and I love you more than anything.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Just a Few Things

You love your little sister Ruby. She has been having a hard time going to sleep at night, and has been crying for a little while after I lay her down. The other night I laid her down and closed her door and she started crying. You got such a concerned look on your face and started telling me how we needed to open the door for Rubes and that she was scared of the dark. I told you she would be okay, and that if she was still crying after we read books then we could get her out. You were hesitant, but said ok. 
Another time I had put you both down for bed, but Ruby was just crying. I took her out and brought her in bed with me. A few minutes later you came in and asked, "Ruby okay?" I told you her gums were hurting because she was getting some new teeth in. You came up on the bed started rubbing her head so gently and sang "twinkle, twinkle little star" to her. It was so sweet. You are so tender with her, and you love her so much. I see that every day. She is lucky to have a big brother like you.

You just started a little gymnastics class at the rec. center. You go on Saturday mornings for 30 minutes. It is just the right amount of time. By the end you are telling me how "hot and sweaty" you are and how you are sooooo tired. This coming from the kid who is non-stop all day long. :) You like going and are having fun doing it. It's fun to watch you and see how you get better each time with all the little skills you are learning. I did gymnastics for 5-6 when I was younger. I loved it, and was pretty good!

Some things you are doing/liking right now are:

Picking out your own clothes. Everyday is pretty much the same thing...either your "Jordan shorts" or sweats with your green number 3 shirt, batman shirt, or a couple other t-shirts you have. You are usually cold all day long and I tell you to  put on pants and socks, but you detest, and think you just need a blanket. So, that's what you do is wrap up in a blanket and get "warm and cozy."

Saying prayers...finally. You didn't want to say a prayer for the longest time, but you are now wanting to say the prayer almost every time dad asks you now. It makes me smile. I think it has something to do with being in primary now and seeing other kids praying. Speaking of primary you gave your first prayer in primary last week. It was the cutest thing. You were sitting up on the bench looking at me, and telling me how you didn't want me to help you, but that you wanted your teacher to help you say the prayer. So, she did, and you did a great job!

Carrots and dip (ranch dressing). Probably one of your favorite snacks

Watching movies

Playing play-dough

Washing dishes in the sink

This is a picture right after your first visit to the dentist. You did great!! No cavities!

After your first day of gymnastics.

A couple pictues of you and me.