Thursday, June 24, 2010

Attempt At Picture Taking

You love to try and attack me and grab the camera whenever I try and take a picture of you. It sure makes for some silly pictures!

Loving Every Minute

It's 8:00 pm and I just layed you down for the third time tonight, and you are finally asleep. We've been working on your sleeping for the past little while; it has been a bit of a struggle...for you and for me. I don't like to hear your sad crys and see you standing in your crib with big tears. It breaks my heart. But, you are learning to sleep better and I am so proud of you.
Tonight we went and saw your dad at work, got some Wendy's for dinner, and played in the grass by his school. You love being outside and I love watching you explore new things.
We then came home to freshly cleaned carpets (which made me very happy...they were in desperate need), you took a bath, which always puts a big smile on your face. I am usually soaked from all your splashing by the end, but I don't mind. We got your jammmies on, I got your bottle ready and I stuggled and kissed your feshly clean face. I love rocking you at night as you tickle your face with my hair. I then layed you down and you cried for a while (quite a while tonight), but I came in and you wrapped your cute little arms around my neck, layed your sweet head on my shoulder and twiddled your fingers in my hair. How lucky am I, I thought. You finally fell asleep and I layed you down for the night.
Motherhood is not easy, and I pray daily to my Heavenly Father for patience and guidance to better understand how I can help you. Sometimes I feel too tired and that I just can't do it, but I quickly am reminded that I can and as you wrap your arms around my neck and snuggle into me, I wish for nothing else than be your mom and spend my days watching you learn and grow.
Love you.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Playing With Dad

You love to laugh and wrestle with your dad. You especially love it when he brings out the big yellow blanket. Last night you were being so silly hiding in it and playing in it with your Dad. I love to see you laugh, and smile and love your daddy.
Just being silly with mommy's towel on your head.