Monday, November 29, 2010

First Words

Whenever I open the fridge you go right for the string cheese and say, "chees chees". So, I guess cheese would be considered your first word, besides mamamama.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Thing To Remember

Things you love right now or can do:

A bowl and a spoon
Trying to feed yourself
Splashing around in the tub
Playing outside. You love to pick up the acorns and walk around with one in each hand, and sometimes sneak one in your mouth.
Talking All the time. (I have yet to understand anything :) )
Walking down the stairs forward with me holding your hand
Giving kisses
Stack blocks
Dancing (stomping your feet and spinning in a circle or shaking your head back and forth.)

Today during church I was up on the stage singing with the young women and every time I looked at you, you were clapping. It was so cute. I couldn't look anymore because every time I did I would start to smile and almost laugh.

Also, you are very friendly. You love to run up to people and always have a big smile on your face when people talk or smile at you. You are the cutest little guy.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Birthday Boy!

I can't believe you are one! This year has gone by so fast, and I have loved watching you grow, learn, and explore everything around you. You have a mind of your own and are always on the go.

Here are a few things that you love right now:

being could be outside all day long.
cheese, grapes, pineapple, watermelon
playing in the water
being chased by mommy and daddy
climbing the stairs
looking at books and jabbering away
taking baths
exploring everything
dancing to music
playing with your food (squishing grapes, crackers etc... between your fingers.)
snuggling with your mommy before bed
being tickled

Some things that you can do:

wave goodbye
climb in and on everything (including the couch.)
throw balls

Your Uncle Phil was here for your birthday! You had so much with him, and he sure could get you to laugh (spinning you around and doing his beat boxing.) For your birthday we went to the splash pad, which of course you loved. Water everywhere! We then came home and you, your dad and Phil all took a big long nap. Then it was time to open your presents. You got some books, clothes, toys...all the good stuff. After that, you had your first cupcake. You weren't quite sure what to do with it at first, but it didn't take you long to figure it out. Thank goodness for baths!
I am so grateful to have you in my life. I am so lucky to be a mom to such a happy, loving boy. I am loving watching you learn new skills each day.
Love you

Monday, August 16, 2010

Walking.....11 1/2 Months

The past few weeks you have been taking a couple steps at a time, and just in the past few days you have been walking all over the place! You still like to crawl, and are pretty unstable when you walk, but you are getting more confident everyday. It is the cutest thing to watch you wobble around with a big grin on your face.
A few days ago we had just gotten home from the grocery store. I usually bring you in with a few groceries and then let you play outside while I bring in the rest. As I was coming back from the car you were standing right up at the edge or a step and getting ready to take a step. I put my bags down as quickly as I could and came running, but it was too late; you stepped and tumbled right on your face. Then came the screams, and your mouth was bleeding. Luckily you just got a little gash in your bottom lip and it stopped bleeding after a few minutes and you were back to your normal self. Hopefully we don't have anymore of those crashes anytime soon. I felt so bad!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Attempt At Picture Taking

You love to try and attack me and grab the camera whenever I try and take a picture of you. It sure makes for some silly pictures!

Loving Every Minute

It's 8:00 pm and I just layed you down for the third time tonight, and you are finally asleep. We've been working on your sleeping for the past little while; it has been a bit of a struggle...for you and for me. I don't like to hear your sad crys and see you standing in your crib with big tears. It breaks my heart. But, you are learning to sleep better and I am so proud of you.
Tonight we went and saw your dad at work, got some Wendy's for dinner, and played in the grass by his school. You love being outside and I love watching you explore new things.
We then came home to freshly cleaned carpets (which made me very happy...they were in desperate need), you took a bath, which always puts a big smile on your face. I am usually soaked from all your splashing by the end, but I don't mind. We got your jammmies on, I got your bottle ready and I stuggled and kissed your feshly clean face. I love rocking you at night as you tickle your face with my hair. I then layed you down and you cried for a while (quite a while tonight), but I came in and you wrapped your cute little arms around my neck, layed your sweet head on my shoulder and twiddled your fingers in my hair. How lucky am I, I thought. You finally fell asleep and I layed you down for the night.
Motherhood is not easy, and I pray daily to my Heavenly Father for patience and guidance to better understand how I can help you. Sometimes I feel too tired and that I just can't do it, but I quickly am reminded that I can and as you wrap your arms around my neck and snuggle into me, I wish for nothing else than be your mom and spend my days watching you learn and grow.
Love you.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Playing With Dad

You love to laugh and wrestle with your dad. You especially love it when he brings out the big yellow blanket. Last night you were being so silly hiding in it and playing in it with your Dad. I love to see you laugh, and smile and love your daddy.
Just being silly with mommy's towel on your head.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Past Few Days

First crawling, now climbing the stairs! Of course, I am behind you the whole way since you haven't quite figured out that you can't just let go and fall back. Good thing I'm there to catch you! You love to climb on anything you can pull yourself up onto. Sometimes you get a little frustrated if you are standing and aren't sure how to get back down again. So cute!
You love being outside and feeling the breeze on your face.
You love being naked and when I change your diaper you do all you can to fight me while I try and put on a fresh one. You sure are a strong little guy!
Here are some pictures from the past couple days.
You love the geese and are always trying to get them.Watching your Daddy shave. Playing with the bins under your crib.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sleep Crawler?

Lately you have been waking up in the middle of the night crying. But, not just laying down crying. You are usually at the top of your crib trying to crawl forward with you eyes closed crying, or sitting up with you eyes closed crying. It is pretty cute, and after I pick you up and rock you, you fall quietly back to sleep with your tiny fingers grasping my hair. Nothing better than that.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday Best

You were just too cute today in your new little church outfit.

7 1/2 months and crawling

Well, you've finally mastered the skill. This past week you have been crawling all over the place. I defiantly have to keep an eye on you more, but it is fun to watch you learn and explore new things.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Your Security:Hair

You are a big fan of my hair; you always have been. Whether you're eating, falling asleep or just walking around with me you always want those cute little hands in my hair, and sometimes in your mouth. It's quite cute actually, and I don't mind. There are many times when your dad or I find you with a couple strands in your hands that you have pulled out.
Well, yesterday evening you woke up from a late nap and you didn't wake up very happily. Your dad went to go get you and you just screamed. He couldn't get you to calm down. You had huge tears streaming down your cheeks, and so I came into the living room and gave you some kisses and dangled my hair in your face. You grabbed it and immediately calmed down. It was the cutest thing, and made me feel pretty good too! ;)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Bath Time

Well, you sure love your baths. Just recently you have started rolling over to your tummy the moment I put you in the water. It's pretty funny to watch you try and move around in there. I love your bath time too. You alway smell so clean and fresh.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Things To Remember

You have been growing up so fast! Everyday it seems that you learn something new! Right now you are laying on the floor, playing with some toys, and talkin' away.
Some things you have been doing latley are scooting and rolling all over the place (you will be crawling soon for sure), pushing yourself up on your hands and toes (like you are doing a push-up), and grunting (well, that's the only word I can think of) while you play with your toys. You are getting your first tooth. You LOVE to drink water from a cup and it's the cutest thing. When you sleep at night you slam your feet down on the mattress over and over. You love to be outside and go on walks to see the geese with your dad. And, you LOVE my hair. You love to play with it when you eat, when you are going to sleep and pretty much whenever you can get your cute little hands on it.

Monday, March 8, 2010

6 Months Old

Today you had your 6-month check up. You weighed 16 pounds; measured 26 1/2 inches long and are in the 50th percentile for your height, weight and head circumference. You also got two shots, and when you got the one in your leg you didn't make a sound! I gave you your pacifier before and you just looked at me the whole time. No crying or anything! What a tough little guy you are.
I wanted to recap your past appointments so, at your one month check up you weighted 8 lbs 11 oz. and were 21 inches long. Two months: 10 pounds 11 oz and 23 1/2 inches. Three months: 14 pounds and 26 inches. It's amazing to see how much you have grown in just six months!
It is almost eleven at night and I have rocked you back to sleep a couple times already. I think you are getting a little cold. Your nose sounds stuffy and you keep waking up, but I don't mind. I love rocking you to sleep, and just watching you sleep. You are my precious little baby boy and I love you more than you will ever know.