Sunday, February 16, 2014

A Little Update

I can't believe I haven't written in here since you started pre-school! My goal is to write in here once a  week.

You are growing up so fast...I can't believe it! You are loving pre-school Gav. You have made some good friends. One of your best friends in there is Jack Goodwin. You also are doing soccer with him once a week which you love. You are getting better at writing your name and letters even though you get frustrated sometimes. Last week you had pajama day at school and you guys made pancakes for your snack. You learned about estimation and you estimated you could eat 10 pancakes. You ate 3 and later told me that "the pre-school pancakes were yucky." Haha. Guess you like my home made ones better :).

Your favorite foods right now are pepperoni pizza and spaghetti and meatballs. You can take down two slices of pizza these days, and your dad and I are realizing that 1 large pizza might not cut it anymore for our growing family.

You are so excited about this little baby I am going to have in a few months. You want a brother and keep telling me his name will be Cameron (Just like your cousin ;) ). So cute, but hopefully you aren't disappointed if it's a girl! We find out in a week or so.

You are such a good brother to Ruby. You are always looking out for her. You love playing with her and are always getting her to do funny things with you. Although you bug her, and she screams and then it happens again, you do it out of love. And, Ruby can scream! ;)

You love snuggling me in the mornings. You come climb in my warm bed and snuggle up and close as you can get to me. It is my absolute favorite moment of the day. You have such a big heart and love for your family. I love watching you grow and learn. You are my sweet boy.

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