Monday, February 7, 2011

Animal Sounds and Tantrums

You have recently started making some animal sounds. You can "cuck cuck" or "quack quack" for a duck. "Sssssssss" for a snake. A quiet roar for a lion and tiger. "Hoo hoo" for an owl. Those are the main ones. You also have said "gum ka" for grandpa a few times....pretty cute, and baby.

One thing I love about you is your spirited personality. You have a lot of personality in that little body of yours and you want everyone to know it. If you don't get what you want you aren't afraid to make a scene ;). Usually it starts with some stomping and then the body stiffens and I have to lay you on the floor where you throw a fit and let me know you're mad. After a few minutes you usually get over what ever you didn't get your way with and move on to the next thing. Although it can be frustrating at times, it's fun to watch you develop such a fiesty personality. On the other hand, you are a very sweet boy and love to snuggle with your dad, and me. You still let me rock you to sleep and you love to play with my hair. 

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