I feel like there are so many things you keep learning and saying, and I just can't keep up. So, here is my attempt at capturing all your growing up in the past couple months.
The weather has started to look and feel a little more like spring lately which means you can go outside and play! Oh how I would love having my own back yard with a fence so you could run free all afternoon. You hate when we have to come inside and you aren't a big fan of holding my hand either. When you start to walk near the street I come after you and you start to run, then I grab your hand and we walk and you keep trying to loosen the grip....so independent! You like to play with some of the neighbor kids, and when you aren't outside and the front door is open, you laugh and yell at them. It's cute. You love to explore everything around you and throw anything you can pick up....such as rocks.....which you call cars..that is a tricky one to say.
Speaking of cars, I am pretty sure that is your favorite word to say, and you love to play with your cars. You also love the movie "Cars", and you will point at the t.v. saying, "cars, cars, cars, cars" until I play it.
Some of the words you say the most are cars, "peas" for please, "arnge" for orange, no (in the sweetest way possible), mama, dada, along with many others. If I tell you to say a word you usually give it your best shot, and sometimes it sounds pretty good.
You recently discovered a love for gummy bears. I keep them in a certain cupboard, and one night I was upstairs talking on the phone with your grandma when I heard you yelling something from downstairs. When I came down you were standing in front of the cupboard saying, "peas, peas". You knew what you wanted.
You have also learned how to take your diaper off, and love to be naked. You get pretty mad sometimes when we have to get dressed in the morning. There are many times when I come downstairs and I find a diaper sitting in front of the t.v. and there is little Gavin pant less and diaper less. Haha...you are a silly guy.
And last but not least, you are going to be a big brother in September! We just found out it is going to be a baby girl. We are so excited and think you are going to be a great big brother.