Sunday, August 28, 2011

2 Years Old

Today you turned 2! These first two years of your life have flown by! I can't believe two years ago I was holding a little tiny baby in my arms, and now you are running around, talking and seeming more and more grown up every day.

We are celebrating your birthday tomorrow since today was Sunday and your Dad had a priesthood meeting to go to tonight. It will be fun!

Some of your favorite things right now are:
Playing outside
Snuggling in Mommy and Daddy's bed
Playing with water in the sink while I bake/make dinner
Wrestling with Dad. (Giving him the "elbow")
Thomas the train shows

You still love your binky
You love to give kisses, and give the baby in mommy's tummy kisses
You are talking all the time and learning new phrases or words everyday. The other day I dropped something on the floor and said "shoot." Now every time you drop something you say, "shoot". I guess it's a good thing that's all I said! I've also heard you say, "dang-it" a few times. It's pretty cute. 
You love your friend Charlotte who lives right behind us. We go on walks most days and you are always calling her name..."Charle"...pronounced, "Char-Le", and wanting to knock on her door to see if she is home. You two love playing together and play so well. We are sad they are going to be moving in a few weeks.

I love you so much Gavin and am so glad you joined our family two years ago. I am so lucky to be home with you everyday. You bring so much joy to my life and I am always learning new things each day from watching you. Happy, happy birthday my sweet boy. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

So Handsome

We took a trip to Medford about a month ago to visit Grandma and Grandpa Merrill. Dad was busy at home studying for a big test he had. You had so much fun swimming in Grandma and Grandpa's pool, eating otter pops (or "parnicles" as you called them), and enjoying all the attention you got. Uncle Phil and Aunt Corinne were there as well, and Corinne took some really cute pictures of you. You are growing up to be such a handsome little boy! 
You're 2nd birthday is only a couple weeks away, and I cannot believe how fast you are growing and how quickly you learn things. You are always on the move, and love to play outside....coloring with your chalk, finding bugs, going for walks, and playing in the water. Definitely a boy.