Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Things To Remember

You have been growing up so fast! Everyday it seems that you learn something new! Right now you are laying on the floor, playing with some toys, and talkin' away.
Some things you have been doing latley are scooting and rolling all over the place (you will be crawling soon for sure), pushing yourself up on your hands and toes (like you are doing a push-up), and grunting (well, that's the only word I can think of) while you play with your toys. You are getting your first tooth. You LOVE to drink water from a cup and it's the cutest thing. When you sleep at night you slam your feet down on the mattress over and over. You love to be outside and go on walks to see the geese with your dad. And, you LOVE my hair. You love to play with it when you eat, when you are going to sleep and pretty much whenever you can get your cute little hands on it.

Monday, March 8, 2010

6 Months Old

Today you had your 6-month check up. You weighed 16 pounds; measured 26 1/2 inches long and are in the 50th percentile for your height, weight and head circumference. You also got two shots, and when you got the one in your leg you didn't make a sound! I gave you your pacifier before and you just looked at me the whole time. No crying or anything! What a tough little guy you are.
I wanted to recap your past appointments so, at your one month check up you weighted 8 lbs 11 oz. and were 21 inches long. Two months: 10 pounds 11 oz and 23 1/2 inches. Three months: 14 pounds and 26 inches. It's amazing to see how much you have grown in just six months!
It is almost eleven at night and I have rocked you back to sleep a couple times already. I think you are getting a little cold. Your nose sounds stuffy and you keep waking up, but I don't mind. I love rocking you to sleep, and just watching you sleep. You are my precious little baby boy and I love you more than you will ever know.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Recent Photos

You are growing up more and more everyday. You are a big mover and want to get your hands on anything in sight. You aren't quite crawling yet, but you can scoot around backwards on your tummy. You just started sucking on your tounge and clicking it all the time. You love to smile and are always making your dad and I laugh. I feel blessed everyday to be your mom and to get to watch you grow and learn.
Here are a few pictures from the past few days. 

First Haircut

Well, we gave you your first hair cut today. Your dad was all about it, but it was a little harder for me. I wasn't quite ready to cut my little baby's hair! But, you needed it, and you look so handsome and cute with the new do.